So, okay.
The poster for this movie was reason enough to wait until I had a free Redbox code to see it. And that was before I knew Jason Biggs was in it.
Eva Longoria. Sure, she can be a Desperate Housewife, but I don't imagine her doing well in a film- and man was I right. She was awful. So was Jason Biggs- as predicted. He stayed strong in his never ending role as the clumsy, awkward guy who can't find love- only this time he was gay...ish. It didn't help or matter.
Surprised as you might be to hear this- I actually liked this movie. Well, not so much the movie as Paul Rudd who you might remember as Cher's adorable ex-step-brother/boyfriend in Clueless. He's hilarious. I was quite impressed. He has been in some funny movies and in some funny roles, but for some reason he shines in this movie. It may be that the rest of the movie is dull and boring and he made it worth watching- I don't know, but I liked him. It was almost as if he was funnier because he figured no one would see the horrible movie anyway.
I would tell you more about the film itself if the title didn't already blow it for you. The only way it could've been more accurate is if it said this "Over Eva Longoria's Poor Excuse for Acting's Dead Body and the Predictable Story that Goes Along With It (including Jason Biggs as himself)." There. That pretty much sums it up.
What it is worth to me:
Paul Rudd was worth it. It was bad, but not painful. I don't know if I'd recommend it, but I wouldn't claim it either.
Suddenly, necrophilia doesn't seem so aweful.
I just read your IronMan Review and realized that I totally have the same philosophy about seeing movies like this... I ONLY do it when dad's paying.
Also, I think your review might be better than mine.... but only because you found a way to reference the Skyline Greek Mafioso...
Love you
I don't get how the title ruins it, could you explain in more detail how the movie ends.
Cicely -
This is hate mail for NEVER updating this blog.... I actually read it... and haven't you seen a movie lately? Anything?
come on....
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