Sunday, March 30, 2008


Movie: Duplex


This was on yesterday as I was laying on my death bed. That was a few hours I'm never getting back.

I usually love Drew Barrymore, but not this time. I don't know what I expecting- Ben Stiller was in the film after all. The movie really did it for me when these two nice people decide to become murderers. Brilliant. And totally believable. (In case you couldn't tell- I was being sarcastic.)

Shut. Your. Face. I can't believe this. It just came on again. Please hold a minute while I change the channel. Ah... HGTV- that's more like it.

What it's worth to me:

Some Nyquil and a nap.


3703 said...

I disagree, I never like Drew Barrymore, she is one of those acretresses that I hope has a mental breakdown.

Spencer Davis said...

Mr. Rumble, may I please direct your attention to "Ever After: A Cinderella Story." After watching this you will surely have a change of heart about Drew.

Emily said...

I hated this movie too, I wondered why I watched the whole thing. And I think Drew Barrymore is in a constant state of mental breakdown.

About Me

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My name is Cicely Suite Cain. I'm a wife to David and a mother to Miles and Faye. We live in "Cleveland, Ohio!" where Dave is going to med school. That is me. Livin' the dream.